Issue: 2022-2023

  • Office of Admissions and Recruitment / Registrar

    Location: Administration Building Contact: 903-823-3012 Admissions and Records is responsible for providing the following services: *Can be completed/requested in myTC**

  • Enrollment Services

    Texarkana College’s Office of Enrollment Services provides essential services to assist students in the achievement of their educational goals and success. Programs and services offered by the college are designed to help students achieve and cultivate their maximum potential in areas of academic, cultural, social, civic, mental, and physical development. Believing that Enrollment Services provides…

  • Student Responsibilities

    The following are not simply suggestions for becoming a successful college student: they are your responsibilities as a college student. Set yourself up to succeed. It is your responsibility to plan a schedule that accommodates your lifestyle. For example, if you know that you are not a morning person, do not schedule 8:00 a.m. classes.…

  • Requirements for Graduation

    Texarkana College confers four major degrees: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS), Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), and the Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT). In addition, Texarkana College awards certificates of graduation for completion of programs of fewer than two years in length. This catalog reflects the Texas Common Course Numbering…

  • Grade Reports

    Reports on the work of students will be posted to the student’s academic record at the end of each term. Students may view their grade online by logging into their myTC account.

  • Withdrawal from Classes

    Students must initiate a partial or total withdrawal either by e-mail to using their TC email or in person at the Office of Enrollment Services, and they must surrender their student ID card with a total withdrawal. Any student who officially withdraws from a semester hour course up to three weeks before the start of final…

  • Process for Appealing a Final Grade in a Course

    Grade determination and awarding of a final grade in a course is clearly the responsibility of the instructor. Final grade reports will be available to the student within a reasonable time following the end of the course. When a student becomes aware of a final grade that is believed to be incorrect, the student may…

  • Scholastic Honors

    Semester Honors Students enrolled for 12 or more college-level semester credit hours who make a 3.8 grade point average or higher are placed on the President’s List. Those who make a 3.2 or higher are placed on the Dean’s List. Part-time students may also be recognized for scholastic honors. Students enrolled for 6-11 college-level semester…

  • Grade Point Average (GPA)

    The following grades are used in evaluating the student’s work: A, B, C, D1, F, I, and W. Passing grades are A, B, C, and D1; F is failure. The grade “I” indicates incomplete work or absence from examination by excuse.  This incomplete grade must be made up by the end of the next long…

  • Developmental Education

    The Developmental Education Program at Texarkana College provides instruction, innovative courses, interventions, services, and resources to strengthen academic success, to improve student retention, and to enhance college completion for all students. Developmental education services include preparation for collegiate-level studies and training in the basic skill review of reading, writing, and mathematics for each program’s entry-level…