Withdrawal from Classes

Students must initiate a partial or total withdrawal either by e-mail to registrar@texarkanacollege.edu using their TC email or in person at the Office of Enrollment Services, and they must surrender their student ID card with a total withdrawal. Any student who officially withdraws from a semester hour course up to three weeks before the start of final examinations (fall and spring), or up to one week before the end of a summer session, will receive a “W.”

Students are expected to regularly attend all classes for which they are registered. Responsibility for work missed because of illness, school business, or other circumstances is placed on the student. Poor class attendance or refusal to complete assigned work may result in the student being dropped from the course.

Deadlines for withdrawal are listed on the Academic Calendar.

SemesterLast Day to Drop
January & May Mini {2 week}Friday of the first week
Fall/Spring {8 week}  2 Fridays before the last week (For years in which Thanksgiving is two weeks before the last week, the last day to drop would be the third Friday before the last week)
Fall/Spring {14 & 16 week}4 Fridays before the last week
Summer {5 week}Friday before the last week
Summer {10 week}2 Fridays before the last week
Summer {Workforce}4 Fridays before the last week