Issue: Fall 2020

  • Distribution of Literature on Campus

    Distribution of non-commercial literature or leaflets by organizations chartered by the College or individual students is permitted in areas designated for this purpose. Prior to posting a sign on College-controlled property, a student or registered student organization must contact the Dean of Students and follow the procedure pertaining to this activity. Literature and materials for…

  • Name, Address, Social Security Number Changes

    Name and address changes may be made in the Texarkana College Enrollment Services Office by completing and signing a change form. Social Security number and name changes may be made only by presenting the signed Social Security card. Name changes require some form of official documentation such as a marriage certificate or court document. The…

  • Transcripts

    Official transcripts are available through the National Student Clearinghouse. The cost for each transcript is $5.00 plus an additional $2.90 processing fee to the Clearinghouse.  The student may obtain transcripts from the Texarkana College Office of Enrollment Services with proper identification after placing their order. Fees for diplomas are included in registration charges. The Registrar…

  • Confidentiality and Access of Student Records

    The Registrar’s Office maintains permanent education records of both credit and non-credit courses. The permanent record for credit courses contains the following: student’s name, social security number, address, sex, date of birth, mode of admission, TASP/THEA/TSI or alternative exam scores, academic work undertaken, grades and grade points and credit hours earned, scholastic standing, and degrees…

  • Directory Information

    The College will release the following items of directory information (as defined by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) without the written consent of the student: name, address, telephone number, college email address, major, dates of attendance, degrees awarded, full and part-time status, enrollment and withdrawal verifications, student classification, student identification (ID) number, and…

  • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

    Texarkana College complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, which was designed to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction in inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also…

  • Change of Classes

    Students may make schedule changes on any day that is considered a registration day. Once a class has begun, dean approval will be necessary in order to register for that class. The following guidelines will be used to determine if a student can be added to a class: 16-week Courses 8-week Courses 5-week Courses (Summer…

  • Date of Last Attendance

    Date of last attendance, as defined by Texarkana College according to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 668.22, includes but is not limited to:

  • Inclement Weather Policy

    Texarkana College has scheduled its instructional program to comply with the Common Calendar of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, as well as to meet instructional requirements for awarding credit hours earned. College instructors are obligated to meet all scheduled classes. If severe weather makes it necessary to cancel classes or to meet virtually, Texarkana…

  • Excused Absences for Religious Holy Days

    Students may take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time for the observance of a religious holy day if: The student notifies the instructor of each class scheduled on the date that the student would be absent for a religious holy day no later than the 15th day after…