Archives: Courses
PHED 1129 A – Yoga/Pilates for Fitness II (1,0,2).
Yoga and Pilates methods of body conditioning are unique systems of stretching and strengthening exercises. A combination of these will strengthen and tone muscles, improve posture, provide flexibility and balance, unite body and mind, and create a streamlined body-shape.
PHED 1128 A – Yoga/Pilates for Fitness (1,1,1).
Yoga and Pilates methods of body conditioning are unique systems of stretching and strengthening exercises. A combination of these will strengthen and tone muscles, improve posture, provide flexibility and balance, unite body and mind, and create a streamlined body-shape.
PHED 1127 A – Rhythmic Aerobics II (1,0,2).
A continuation of Rhythmic Aerobics I. Aerobic and anaerobic workouts using music to gain the aerobic training effects of cardiovascular and to tone/ sculpt for those who are seeking definition of muscle.
PHED 1125 A – Racquet Sports (1,0,2).
This course includes the playing and rules of various racquet sports with emphasis on developmental skills.
PHED 1124 A – Rhythmic Aerobics I (1,0,2).
Aerobic and anaerobic workouts using music to gain the aerobic training effects of cardiovascular and to tone/ sculpt for those who are seeking definition of muscle.
PHED 1122 A – Basic Foil Fencing (1,0,2).
This course will cover basic to advanced techniques in foil fencing. Appropriate for both the beginner and the more advanced student.
PHED 1109 A – Cross Training for Fitness and Weight Control II (1,1,1).
A cardiovascular conditioning program designed to improve muscle tone and maintain a healthy body weight. Activities include lifting weights, Stair Master, running or walking and correct dietary habits.
PHED 1108 A – Cross Training for Fitness and Weight Control I (1,1,1).
A cardiovascular conditioning program designed to improve muscle tone and maintain a healthy body weight. Activities include lifting weights, Stair Master, running or walking and correct dietary habits.
PHED 1107 A – Weight Training I & II (1,0,2).
A combination workout of weight-training and strength-training. Cardiovascular exercise and anaerobic workout required.
PHYS 1304 A – Solar System (lecture) (3,3,0).
Study of the sun and its solar system, including its origin. (Cross-listed as ASTR 1304). Recommended co-requisite: PHYS 1104.