Archives: Courses

  • VNSG 1400 W – Nursing in Health and Illness I (4,3,2).

    Introduction to general principles of growth and development, primary health care needs of the patient across the life span, and therapeutic nursing interventions. Prerequisite: American Heart BLS, BIOL 2301/2101, BIOL 2302/2102, and VNSG 1304. Co-requisites: VNSG 1304, 1402, and 1461.

  • VNSG 1334 W – Pediatrics (3,3,0).

    Study of the care of the pediatric patient and family during health and disease. Emphasis on growth and developmental needs utilizing the nursing process. Prerequisite: American Heart BLS, BIOL 2301/2101, BIOL 2302/2102, Fall class-VNSG, 1304, 1400, 1402, 1461, 1509, 2410, 2462; Spring class- VNSG 1304, 1400, 1402, 1461. Co-requisites: Fall class- VNSG 1330, 1219,2463; Spring…

  • VNSG 1330 W – Maternal-Neonatal Nursing (3,3,0).

    Study of the biological, psychological, and sociological concepts applicable to basic needs of the family including childbearing and neonatal care. Utilization of the nursing process in the assessment and management of the childbearing family. Topics include physiological changes related to pregnancy, fetal development, and nursing care of the family during labor and delivery and the…

  • VNSG 1304 W – Foundations of Nursing (3,3,0).

    Introduction to the nursing profession including history, standards of practice, legal and ethical issues, and role of the vocational nurse. Topics include mental health, therapeutic communication, cultural and spiritual diversity, nursing process, and holistic awareness. Prerequisite: American Heart BLS, BIOL 2301/2101 and BIOL 2302/2102 Co-requisites: VNSG 1400, 1402, and 1461.

  • VNSG 1219 W – Leadership and Professional Development (2,1,2).

    Study of the importance of professional growth. Topics include the role of the licensed vocational nurse in the multi-disciplinary health care team, professional organizations, and continuing education. Prerequisite: American Heart BLS, BIOL 2301/2101, BIOL 2302/2102, Fall class-VNSG 1304, 1400, 1402, 1461, 1509, 2410, 2462; Spring class- VNSG 1304, 1400, 1402, 1461, 1330, 1334, 2463; Co-requisite:…

  • TECM 1403 W – Technical Calculations (4,3,2).

    A review of mathematical functions including fractions, decimals, proportions, perimeters, areas, volumes of geometric figures, and certain algebraic/trigonometric functions, as required by specific businesses and industries for successful on-the-job performance.

  • TECM 1191 W – Special Topics in Applied Mathematics, General (1,0,4).

    Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency.

  • TECA 1318 A – Wellness of the Young Child (3,3,0).

    A study of the factors that impact the well-being of the young child including healthy behavior, food, nutrition, fitness, and safety practices. Focuses on local and national standards and legal implications of relevant policies and regulations. Course content must be aligned as applicable with State Board for Educator Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards and…

  • TECA 1311 A – Educating Young Children (3,3,0).

    An introduction to the education of the young child, including developmentally appropriate practices and programs, theoretical and historical perspectives, ethical and professional responsibilities, and current issues. Course content must be aligned as applicable with State Board for Educator Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards and coincide with the National Association for the Education of Young…

  • TECA 1303 A – Families, School, & Community (3,3,0).

    A study of the child, family, community, and schools, including parent education and involvement, family and community lifestyles, child abuse, and current family life issues. Course content must be aligned as applicable with State Board for Educator Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards and coincide with the National Association for the Education of Young Children…