Archives: Courses
SOCI 1301 A – Introductory Sociology (3,3,0).
The scientific study of human society, including ways in which groups, social institutions, and individuals affect each other. Causes of social stability and social change are explored through the application of various theoretical perspectives, key concepts, and related research methods of sociology. Analysis of social issues in their institutional context may include topics such as…
SCWK 2301 W – Assessment and Case Management (3,3,0).
Exploration of procedures to identify and evaluate an individual’s and/or family’s strengths, weaknesses, problems, and needs in order to develop an effective plan of action. Topics include oral and written communications essential for assessment, screening, intervention, client information, and referral.
SCWK 1303 W – Ethics for Social Service Professionals (3,3,0).
Ethical considerations based on social and human services standards. Includes comparison of ethical codes, confidentiality, dual relationships, guidelines for web counseling, ethical considerations dealing with broadcast media, diversity and multiculturalism.
RTVB 2355 W – TV/Video Production Workshop II (3,2,2).
Production of video projects demonstrating mastery of field and/or studio competence.
RTVB 2337 W – TV/Video Production Workshop I (3,2,3).
Design and production of video content for location or studio shoots adhering to deadline and quality control restrictions.
RTVB 2335 W – TV/Video Production (3,2,3).
Pre-production, production, and post-production process involved in multiple-camera studios. Includes advanced instruction in camera operation, lighting, audio, and television directing.
RTVB 1325 W – TV Studio Production (3,2,2).
Basic television studio production including planning, directing and techniques commonly used with video, audio and lighting equipment.
RTVB 1321 W – TV/Video Field Production (3,2,3).
Pre-production, production, and post-production process involved in field television production. Topics include field camera setup and operation, field audio, television directing, and in-camera or basic continuity editing with an emphasis on underlying principles of video technology.
RTVB 1305 W – Introduction to Television Technology (3,2,3).
Identification and operation of current television production equipment. Includes digital and analog signal concepts and use.
RSTO 1325 W – Purchasing for Hospitality Operations (3,2,2).
Study of purchasing and inventory management of foods and other supplies to include development of purchase specifications, determination of order quantities, formal and informal price comparisons, proper receiving procedures, storage management, and issue procedures. Emphasis on product cost analysis, yields, pricing formulas, controls, and record keeping at each stage of the purchasing cycle.