Archives: Courses
PSYC 2315 A – Psychology of Adjustment (3,3,0).
Study of the processes involved in adjustment of individuals to their personal and social environments.
PSYC 2314 A – Lifespan Growth and Development (3,3,0).
Lifespan Growth and Development is a study of social, emotional, cognitive and physical factors and influences of a developing human from conception to death.
PSYC 2308 A – Child Psychology (3,3,0).
This course will address psychological development from conception through middle childhood with references to physical, cognitive, social and personality changes. Students will examine the interplay of biological factors, human interaction, social structures and cultural forces in development.
PSYC 2301 A – General Psychology (3,3,0).
General Psychology is a survey of the major psychological topics, theories and approaches to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the required TSI test.
PSYC 1300 A – Learning Frameworks (3,3,0).
A study of the research and theory in the psychology of learning, cognition, and motivation; factors that impact learning, and application of learning strategies. Theoretical models of strategic learning, cognition, and motivation serve as the conceptual basis for the introduction of college-level student academic strategies. Students use assessment instruments (e.g., learning inventories) to help them…
PSTR 1301 W – Fundamentals of Baking (3,1,5).
Fundamentals of baking including dough, quick breads, pies, cakes, cookies, tarts, and doughnuts. Instruction in flours, fillings, and ingredients. Topics include baking terminology, tool and equipment use, formula conversions, functions of ingredients, and the evaluation of baked products.
POFT 2401 W – Intermediate Keyboarding (4,3,3).
A continuation of keyboarding skills in document formatting, speed, and accuracy.
POFT 2387 W – Internship – Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General (3,0,9).
An experience external to the college for an advanced student in a specialized field involving a written agreement between the educational institution and a business or industry. Mentored and supervised by a workplace employee, the student achieves objectives that are developed and documented by the college and that are directly related to special occupational outcomes.…
POFT 2333 W – Advanced Keyboarding (3,1,4).
A continuation of keyboarding skills in advanced document formatting, emphasizing speed, accuracy and decision-making.
SOCI 1306 A – Social Problems (3,3,0).
Application of sociological principles and theoretical perspectives to major social problems in contemporary society such as inequality, crime and violence, substance abuse, environmental issues, deviance, or family problems. Prerequisite: SOCI 1301 or sophomore standing.