Archives: Courses
RNSG 1412 W – Nursing Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family (4,4,0).
Study of the concepts related to the provision of nursing care for childbearing and childrearing families; application of systematic problem-solving processes and critical thinking skills, including a focus on the childbearing family during the perinatal periods and the childbearing family from birth to adolescence; and competency in knowledge, judgment, skill, and professional values within a…
RNSG 1360 W – Clinical Nursing-Registered Nurse Training (Foundations) (3,0,9).
A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Prerequisites: BIOL 2301/2101, 2302/2102, and 2320/2120; PSYC 2301 and 2314. Co-requisites: RNSG 1413.
RNSG 1327 W – Transition to Professional Nursing (3,2,3).
Content includes health promotion, expanded assessment, analysis of data, critical thinking skills and systematic problem-solving process, pharmacology, interdisciplinary teamwork, communication, and applicable competencies in knowledge, judgment, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework throughout the lifespan. Prerequisites: BIOL 2301/2101, 2302/2102, and 2320/2120; PSYC 2301 and 2314. Co-requisites: RNSG 1160, 1251, and 2213.
RNSG 1260 W – Clinical Nursing-Registered Nurse Training (CDM) (2,0,6).
A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Prerequisites: BIOL 2301/2101, 2302/2102 and 2320/2120; PSYC 2301 and 2314; RNSG 1413 and 1360. Co-requisites: ENGL 1301; RNSG 1431, 1412, and 1261.
RNSG 1251 W – Care of the Childbearing Family (2,2,2).
Study of concepts related to the provision of nursing care for childbearing families. Topics may include selected complications. Topics include knowledge, judgment, skills, and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. Prerequisites: BIOL 2301/2101, 2302/2102, and 2320/2120; PSYC 2301 and 2314. Co-requisites: RNSG 1160, 1327, and 2213.
RNSG 1160 W – Clinical Nursing-Registered Nurse (Transition) (1,0,3).
A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. Prerequisites: BIOL 2301/2101, 2302/2102, and 2320/2120; PSYC 2301 and 2314. Co-requisites: RNSG 1251, 1327, and 2213.
RBTC 2345 W – Robot Application, Set-up, and Testing (3,2,4).
A course that provides the student with laboratory experience in the installation, set-up, and testing of robotic cells. Topics include maintenance.
RBTC 1405 W – Robotic Fundamentals (4,2,6).
An introduction to flexible automation. Topics include installation, repair, maintenance, and development of flexible robotic manufacturing systems.
RBTC 1401 W – Programmable Logic Controllers (4,2,6).
A study in programmable logic controllers (PLC). Topics include processor units, numbering systems, memory organization, relay type devices, timers, counters, data manipulators, and programming.
PSYC 2319 A – Social Psychology (3,3,0).
Theories of individual behavior on the social environment are surveyed. Topics include the socio-psychological process, attitude formation and change, interpersonal relations, and group processes. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.