Archives: Courses
POFM 1327 W – Medical Insurance (3,2,2).
Study of medical insurance and billing, claim coding, claim preparation and filing, claim follow-up and payment processing, and hospital services.
POFM 1317 W – Medical Administrative Support (3,2,2).
Study of current medical office skills including communications, office management, financials, insurance and coding, billing, reimbursements, and collections.
POFI 2340 W – Advanced Word Processing (3,3,1).
This course is designed to acquaint the student with principles of data entry and word processing. Extensive formatting for technical documents, merging techniques, macros, graphics and desktop publishing are covered. Emphasis on business applications will be incorporated by implementing advanced features; importing data; and incorporating graphics, collaborative, and special functions to enhance documents.
POFI 1349 W – Spreadsheets (3,1,7).
Skill development in concepts, procedures, and application of spreadsheets. This course is designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency.
PHYS 2326 A – University Physics II (lecture) (3,3,0).
Principles of physics for science, computer science, and engineering majors, using calculus, involving the principles of electricity and magnetism, including circuits, electromagnetism, waves, sound, light, and optics. Prerequisite: PHYS 2325 or permission of instructor. Co-requisite: MATH 2415 and recommended co-requisite PHYS 2126.
PHYS 2325 A – University Physics I (lecture) (3,3,0).
Fundamental principles of physics, using calculus, for science, computer science, and engineering majors; the principles and applications of classical mechanics, including harmonic motion, physical systems and thermodynamics; and emphasis on problem solving. Prerequisite: MATH 2413. Pre/co-requisite: MATH 2414 or equivalent academic preparation. Recommended co-requisite PHYS 2125.
PHYS 2126 A – University Physics II (lab) (1,0,3).
Laboratory class for PHYS 2326. Pre/Co-requisite: PHYS 2326.
PHYS 2125 A – University Physics I (lab) (1,0,3).
Laboratory class for PHYS 2325. Pre/Co-requisite: 2325.
PHYS 1315 A – Physical Science I (lecture) (3,3,0).
survey of the principles of physics, astronomy, geology, and weather with more emphasis on physics and geology. Recommended co-requisite PHYS 1115.
RNSG 1413 W – Foundations for Nursing Practice (4,3,3).
Introduction to the role of the professional nurse as provider of patient-centered care, patient safety advocate, member of health care team, and member of the profession. Content includes fundamental concepts of nursing practice, history of professional nursing, and a systematic framework for decision-making and critical thinking. Emphasis on knowledge, judgment, skills and professional values within…