Archives: Courses

  • PHYS 1303 A – Stars & Galaxies (lecture) (3,3,0).

    Study of stars, galaxies, and the universe outside our solar system. (Cross-listed as ASTR 1303). Recommended co-requisite: PHYS 1103.

  • PHYS 1302 A – College Physics II (lecture) (3,3,0).

    Fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of electricity and magnetism, including circuits, electrostatics, electromagnetism, waves, sound, light, optics, and modern physics topics; with emphasis on problem solving. Prerequisite: PHYS 1301 College Physics I (lecture) or PHYS 1401 College Physics I (lecture + lab) Recommended Corequisite: PHYS 1102 College Physics…

  • PHYS 1301 A – College Physics I (lecture) (3,3,0).

    Fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of classical mechanics and thermodynamics, including harmonic motion, mechanical waves and sound, physical systems, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and gravitation and other fundamental forces; with emphasis on problem solving. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 College Algebra (3 SCH version) and Math 1316 Plane Trigonometry OR…

  • PHYS 1115 A – Physical Science I (lab) (1,0,3).

    Laboratory class for PHYS 1315. Pre/Co-requisite PHYS 1315.

  • PHYS 1104 A – Solar System (lab) (1,0,3).

    Laboratory class for PHYS 1304. (Cross-listed as ASTR 1104). Pre/Co-requisite PHYS 1304.

  • PHYS 1103 A – Stars & Galaxies (lab) (1,0,3).

    Laboratory class for PHYS 1303. (Cross-listed as ASTR 1103). Pre/Co-requisite: PHYS 1303.

  • PHYS 1102 A – College Physics II (lab) (1,0,3).

    This laboratory-based course accompanies PHYS 1302, College Physics II. Laboratory activities will reinforce fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of electricity and magnetism, including circuits, electrostatics, electromagnetism, waves, sound, light, optics, and modern physics topics; with emphasis on problem solving. Corequisite: PHYS 1302 College Physics II (lecture)

  • PHYS 1101 A – College Physics I (lab) (1,0,3).

    This laboratory-based course accompanies PHYS 1301, College Physics I. Laboratory activities will reinforce fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of classical mechanics and thermodynamics, including harmonic motion, mechanical waves and sound, physical systems, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and gravitation and other fundamental forces; emphasis will be on problem solving.…

  • PHRA 1449 W – Institutional Pharmacy Practice (4,3,2).

    Fundamentals of the diverse roles and practice of pharmacy technicians in an institutional pharmacy setting. In-depth coverage of hospital pharmacy organization, workflow and personnel, safety techniques, data entry, packaging and labeling operations, inpatient drug distribution systems including investigational drugs, continuous quality improvement and inventory control. Must be TSI met in all areas. Prerequisites: PHRA 1301,…

  • PHRA 1413 W – Community Pharmacy Practice (4,3,2).

    Introduction to the skills necessary to process, prepare, label, and maintain records of prescriptions in a community pharmacy to include customer service, count and pour techniques, prescription calculations, drug selection and preparation, over-the-counter drugs, inventory management and legal parameters. Must be TSI met in all areas. Prerequisites: PHRA 1301, PHRA 1202, PHRA 1304, PHRA 1309,…