Archives: Courses

  • MUAP 1158 A – Applied Percussion (1,1,1).

    Individual instruction in instruments for students. Includes both solo literature and technical work. One half-hour lesson per week with one hour of practice daily. Course numbers are sequential.

  • MUAP 1157 A – Applied Percussion (1,1,1).

    Individual instruction in instruments for students. Includes both solo literature and technical work. One half-hour lesson per week with one hour of practice daily. Course numbers are sequential.

  • MUAP 1132 A – Applied Brass (1,1,1).

    Individual instruction in instruments for students. Correct tone production, embouchure, fingerings for the various instruments. Includes both solo literature and technical work. One half-hour lesson per week with one hour of practice daily. Course numbers are sequential.

  • MUAP 1131 A – Applied Brass (1,1,1).

    Individual instruction in instruments for students. Correct tone production, embouchure, fingerings for the various instruments. Includes both solo literature and technical work. One half-hour lesson per week with one hour of practice daily. Course numbers are sequential.

  • MUAP 1102 A – Strings (1,1,1).

    Individual instruction in violin, viola, or violoncello. Suitable solo and technical literature from the standard repertory will be used. One half-hour lesson per week with one hour of practice daily. Course numbers are sequential.

  • MUAP 1101 A – Strings (1,1,1).

    Individual instruction in violin, viola, or violoncello. Suitable solo and technical literature from the standard repertory will be used. One half-hour lesson per week with one hour of practice daily. Course numbers are sequential.

  • MRMT 1307 W – Medical Transcription I (3,2,2).

    Development of transcription skills in transcribing medical reports including case studies, emergency room reports, history and physical examinations, radiology reports, operative reports, pathology reports, and discharge summaries.

  • MRKG 2381 W – Cooperative Education – Marketing / Management (3,1,19).

    Career-related activities encountered in the student’s area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component.

  • MRKG 2380 W – Cooperative Education – Marketing / Management (3,1,19).

    Career-related activities encountered in the student’s area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component.

  • MRKG 2349 W – Advertising and Sales Promotion (3,3,0).

    Integrated marketing communications. Includes advertising principles and practices. Emphasizes multi-media of persuasive communication including buyer behavior, budgeting, and regulatory constraints.