Archives: Courses

  • MATH 2412 A – Pre-Calculus (4,4,1).

    This course includes applications of algebra and trigonometry to the study of elementary functions and their graphs including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Topics from analytic geometry include conic sections, parametric equations and polar equations. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the required TSI test or MATH 0021 and MATH 0022.

  • MATH 2320 A – Differential Equations (3,3,1).

    Ordinary differential equations, including linear equations, systems of equations, equations with variable coefficients, existence and uniqueness of solutions, series solutions, singular points, transform methods, and boundary value problems; application of differential equations to real-world problems. Prerequisite: MATH 2414.

  • MATH 2318 A – Linear Algebra (3,3,1).

    Introduces and provides models for application of the concepts of vector algebra. Topics include finite dimensional vector spaces and their geometric significance; representing and solving systems of linear equations using multiple methods, including Gaussian elimination and matrix inversion; matrices; determinants; linear transformations; quadratic forms; eigenvalues and eigenvector; and applications in science and engineering. Prerequisite: MATH…

  • MATH 1442 A – Elementary Statistical Methods (4,3,3).

    An introductory course in statistical methods. Topics include collection and display of data, mean, standard deviation and variance, probability including the normal, binomial, and chi-square distributions. Other topics also included are sampling and sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing including nonparametric tests, regression, and analysis of variance. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the required TSI test…

  • MATH 1351 A – Mathematics for Teachers II (Formerly Fundamentals of Mathematics II) (3,3,0).

    This course is intended to build or reinforce a foundation in fundamental mathematic concepts and skills. It includes concepts of geometry, measurement, probability, and statistics, with an emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking. Special emphasis will be given to terminology, notation, skills, and approaches relevant to the elementary and middle school grades and to…

  • MATH 1350 A – Mathematics for Teachers I (Formerly Fundamentals of Mathematics I) (3,3,0).

    This course is intended to build or reinforce a foundation in fundamental mathematics concepts and skills. It includes the conceptual development of the following: sets, functions, numeration systems, number theory, and properties of the various number systems with an emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking. Special emphasis will be given to terminology, notation, skills,…

  • MATH 1332 A – Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning) (3,3,0).

    Intended for Non-STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) majors. Topics include introductory treatments of sets and logic, financial mathematics, probability and statistics with appropriate applications. Number sense, proportional reasoning, estimation, technology, and communication should be embedded throughout the course. Additional topics such as choosing and analyzing models to solve problems from real world settings. Prerequisite:…

  • MATH 1325 A – Calculus for Business & Social Sciences (3,3,1).

    This course is the basic study of limits and continuity, differentiation, optimization and graphing, and integration of elementary functions with emphasis on application in business, economics, and social sciences. This course is not a substitute for Math 2413 (Calculus I). Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or MATH 1324.

  • MATH 1324 A – Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences (3,3,1).

    The application of common algebraic functions, including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and rational, to problems in business, economics, and the social sciences are addressed. The applications include mathematics of finance, including simple and compound interest and annuities; systems of linear equations; matrices; linear programming; and probability, including expected value. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the required TSI…

  • MATH 1316 A – Plane Trigonometry (3,3,0).

    Topics include sets, ordered relations, number intervals, trigonometric functions, radian measure, variations and graphs of the functions, solution of right triangle and applications, trigonometric identities, equations, vector applications, and inverse functions, general triangle and complex numbers. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or ACT Math score greater than 25.