Archives: Courses
MATH 0020 A – Base NCBO Math (0,0.38,0).
The two-week NCBO is taken with both STEM and Non-STEM pathways. Topics in mathematics such as arithmetic operations, basic algebraic concepts and notation, geometry, and real and complex number systems. Non-transferable and does not count toward a degree at Texarkana College. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range…
LEAD 1100 W – Workforce Development with Critical Thinking (1,1,1).
Development of leadership skills and critical thinking strategies that promote employment readiness, retention, advancement, and promotion.
ITSY 1342 W – Information Technology Security (3,2,4).
Instruction in security for network hardware, software, and data, including physical security; backup procedures; relevant tools; encryption; and protection from viruses.
ITSE 2386 W – Internship/Computer Programming (3,1,8).
This course is designed to provide the student with actual experience in a chosen area of data processing. Students will be provided qualified supervision to assist them in producing solutions to real business problems using a programming language of their choice. Students will research the problem, design the programs, and implement the system. The area…
ITSE 2317 W – Java Programming (3,2,4).
Java programming for applications and web applets.
ITSE 1391 W – Python/Special Topics in Computer Programming (3,2,4).
Introduction to computer programming using Python. Emphasizes the fundamentals of structured design, development, testing, implementation, and documentation. Includes language syntax, data and file structures, and problem solving. Recommended corequisite: ITSE 1329.
ITSE 1359 W – Introduction to Scripting Languages (3,2,4).
Introduction to scripting languages including basic data types, control structures, regular expressions, input/output, and textual analysis. Topics may adapt to changes in industry practices.
ITSE 1331 W – Introduction to Visual Basic Programming (3,2,4).
Introduction to computer programming using Visual BASIC. Emphasis on the fundamentals of structured design, development, testing, implementation, and documentation. Includes language syntax, data and file structures, input/ output devices, and files. The student will use structured programming techniques; develop correct executable programs; create appropriate documentation; and create applicable graphical user interfaces. Co-/Pre-requisite: ITSE 1329.
ITSE 1329 W – Programming Logic and Design (3,3,3).
Problem-solving applying structured techniques and representation of algorithms using design tools. Includes testing, evaluation, and documentation. Recommended corequisite: ITSE 1391.
ITSC 2339 W – Personal Computer Help Desk Support (3,2,4).
Diagnosis and solution of user hardware and software-related problems with on-the-job and/or simulated projects.