Archives: Courses
ENGL 2322 A – British Literature I (3,3,0).
A survey of the development of British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Eighteenth Century. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical, linguistic, and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions. Prerequisite: Students taking this course must have satisfactorily…
ENGL 2311 A – Technical & Business Writing (3,3,3).
Intensive study of and practice in professional settings. Focus on the types of documents necessary to make decisions and take action on the job, such as proposals, reports, instructions, policies and procedures, e-mail messages, letters, and descriptions of products and services. Practice individual and collaborative processes involved in the creation of ethical and efficient documents.…
ENGL 1302 A – Composition II (3,3,1).
Intensive study of and practice in the strategies and techniques for developing research-based expository and persuasive texts. Emphasis on effective and ethical rhetorical inquiry, including primary and secondary research methods; critical reading of verbal, visual, and multimedia texts; systematic evaluation, synthesis, and documentation of information sources; and critical thinking about evidence and conclusions. Prerequisite: Satisfactory…
ENGL 1301 A – Composition I (3,3,1).
Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical analysis. Prerequisite: Completion of English 0042; Successful completion of…
ENGL 0070 A – ESOL Grammar for Non-Native Speaker (0,2,0)Focuses on Standard English grammar usage for academic purposes. Open only to nonnative speakers.
ENGL 0060 A – NCBO for Writing (0,1,0) This NCBO focuses on integration of critical reading and academic writing skills. Successful completion of this intervention fulfills TSI requirements for reading and writing. This intervention is part of the student’s co-enrollment (co-requisite) as a mainstreamed intensifier providing contact hours for additional, just-in-time instructional support for the student’s success in English 1301. The course is nontransferable and does not count toward an Associate Degree at Texarkana College. Students must take this course if their TSI scores are within the recommended range on TC’s TSI placement chart. Co-requisite: ENGL 1301.
ENGL 0050 A – Base NCBO English (0,1,0).
This BASE NCBO focuses on integration of critical reading and academic writing skills. This intervention is for students assessed at BASE levels 3-4 and is part of a student’s co-enrollment (co- requisite) as a mainstreamed intensifier providing contact hours for additional, just-in-time instructional support for the student’s success in the developmental IRW course. The course…
ENGL 0042 A – Integrated Developmental Reading and Writing II (0,3,1).
This course serves as a paired support course for students enrolled in ENGL 1301 who are not yet TSI-complete in reading and/or writing. The focus is on teaching students critical reading and academic writing skills to equip them for success in Composition I. Students must pass ENGL 0042 in order to pass ENGL 1301, and…
ENGL 0041 A – Integrated Developmental Reading and Writing I (0,3,1).
This developmental course is a combined lecture/lab, performance-based course designed to develop a student’s critical reading and academic writing skills. The focus of the course will be on applying critical reading skills for organizing, analyzing, and retaining material and developing written work appropriate to the audience, purpose, situation, and length of the assignment. The course…
HPRS 1201 W – Introduction to Health Professions (2,2,0).
An overview of roles of various members of the health care system, educational requirements, and issues affecting the delivery of health care.