Archives: Courses
ECON 2301 A – Principles of Macroeconomics (3,3,0).
An analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and determination of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, national income, inflation, and unemployment. Other topics include international trade, economic growth, business cycles, and fiscal policy and monetary policy.
DRAM 2366 A – Film Appreciation (3,2,4).
Survey and analyze cinema including history, film techniques, production procedures, selected motion pictures, and cinema’s impact on and reflection of society. (Cross-listed as COMM 2366). This course satisfies the visual and performing arts component area of the TC Core Curriculum.
DRAM 2336 A – Voice for the Actor (3,3,0).
Principles, practices, and exercises in awareness, relaxation, freedom, flexibility, and expressiveness in the actor’s vocal instrument. (Cross-listed as SPCH 1342)
DRAM 2331 A – Stagecraft II (3,2,4).
Continued study and application of the methods and components of theatrical production which may include one or more of the following: theater facilities, scenery construction and painting, properties, lighting, costume, makeup, sound and theatrical management. (lab required)
DRAM 2121 A – Theatre Practicum IV (1,0,4).
Practicum in theater open to all students with emphasis on technique and procedures with experience gained in play productions.
DRAM 2120 A – Theatre Practicum III (1,0,4).
Practicum in theater open to all students with emphasis on technique and procedures with experience gained in play productions.
DRAM 1352 A – Acting II (3,2,4).
Exploration and further training within the basic principles and tools of acting, including an emphasis on critical analysis of oneself and others. The tools include ensemble performing, character and script analysis, and basic theater terminology. This will continue the exploration of the development of the actor’s instrument: voice, body, and imagination. Prerequisite: DRAM 1351 or…
DRAM 1351 A – Acting I (3,2,4).
An introduction to the fundamental principles and tools of acting as used in auditions, rehearsals, and performances. This may include ensemble performing, character and script analysis, and basic theater terminology. This exploration will emphasize the development of the actor’s instrument: voice, body, and imagination.
DRAM 1330 A – Stagecraft I (3,2,4).
Study and application of the methods and components of theatrical production that may include one or more of the following: theater facilities, scenery construction and painting, properties, lighting, costume, makeup, sound, and theatrical management.
ENGL 0030 A – TSI English (0,1.25,0).
This non-course-based option is an intensive review of literary analysis, main idea and supporting details, inferences in texts, author’s use of language, essay revision, agreement, sentence structure, and sentence logic. The NCBO is designed to improve placement scores for advancement into a higher-level English course, and anyone who places below or into developmental English based…