Types of Misconduct

Any student found to have committed misconduct while classified as a student is subject to disciplinary sanctions, conditions, and/or restrictions. Misconduct or prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Scholastic Dishonesty
    1. “Scholastic dishonesty” shall include, but not be limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion.
      1. “Cheating” shall include, but not be limited to:
        1. Copying from another student’s test or class work;
        1. Using test materials not authorized by the person administering the test;
        1. Collaborating with or seeking aid from another student during a test without permission from the test administrator;
        1. Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of an unadministered test, paper, or another assignment;
        1. The unauthorized transporting or removal, in whole or in part, of the contents of the unadministered test;
        1. Substituting for another student, or permitting another student to substitute for one’s self, to take a test;
        1. Bribing another person to obtain an unadministered test or information about an unadministered test; or
        1. Manipulating a test, assignment, or final course grades.
      1. “Plagiarism” shall be defined as the appropriating, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means another’s work and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one’s own written work.
      1. “Collusion” shall be defined as the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work for fulfillment of course requirements.
  • Disorderly Conduct
    • “Disorderly conduct” shall include any of the following activities occurring on premises owned or controlled by the College District:
      • Behavior of a boisterous and tumultuous character such that there is a clear and present danger of alarming persons where no legitimate reason for alarm exists.
      • Interference with the peaceful and lawful conduct of persons under circumstances in which there is reason to believe that such conduct will cause or provoke a disturbance.
      • Violent and forceful behavior at any time such that there is a clear and present danger that free movement of other persons will be impaired.
      • Behavior involving personal abuse or assault when such behavior creates a clear and present danger of causing assaults or fights.
      • Violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonably loud, or otherwise disorderly conduct under circumstances in which there is reason to believe that such conduct will cause or provoke a disturbance.
      • Willful and malicious behavior that interrupts the speaker of any lawful assembly or impairs the lawful right of others to participate effectively in such assembly or meeting when there is reason to believe that such conduct will cause or provoke a disturbance.
      • Willful and malicious behavior that obstructs or causes the obstruction of any doorway, hall, or any other passageway in a College District building to such an extent that the employees, officers, and other persons, including visitors, having business with the College District are denied entrance into, exit from, or free passage in such building.
  • Prohibited Conduct
    • Federal, State, and Local Law
      • Violations of federal, state, or local law or College District policies, procedures, or rules, including the student handbook shall be prohibited.
    • Prohibited Weapons
      • Possession, distribution, sale, or use of firearms, location-restricted knives, clubs, knuckles, firearm silencers, or other prohibited weapons or devices in violation of law or College District policies and procedures shall be prohibited. [See policy CH F]
    • Drugs and Alcohol
      • Behaviors regarding drugs and alcohol and associated paraphernalia shall be prohibited as described in policy FLBE.
    • Debts
      • Owing a monetary debt to the College District that is considered delinquent or writing an “insufficient funds” check to the College District shall be prohibited.
    • Disruptions
      • “Disorderly conduct,” as defined above, or disruptive behavior shall be prohibited.
    • Behavior Targeting Others
      • The following behavior targeting others shall be prohibited:
        • Threatening another person, including a student or employee;
        • Intentionally, knowingly, or negligently causing physical harm to any person;
        • Engaging in conduct that constitutes harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, or bullying directed toward another person, including a student or employee; [See DIA series, FFD series, and FFE as appropriate]
        • Hazing with or without the consent of a student; [See FLBC]
        • Initiations by organizations that include features that are dangerous, harmful, or degrading to the student, a violation of which also renders the organization subject to appropriate discipline; and
        • Endangering the health or safety of members of the College District community or visitors to the premises.
    • Property
      • The following behavior regarding property shall be prohibited:
        • Intentionally, knowingly, or negligently defacing, damaging, misusing, or destroying College District property or property owned by others;
        • Stealing from the College District or others; and
        • Theft, sabotage, destruction, distribution, or other use of the intellectual property of the College District or third parties without permission.
    • Directives
      • Failure to comply with directives given by College District personnel, and failure to provide identification when requested to do so by College District personnel shall be prohibited.
    • Misuse of Technology
      • The following behavior regarding misuse of technology shall be prohibited:
        • Violating policies, rules, or agreements signed by the student regarding the use of technology resources;
        • Attempting to access or circumvent passwords or other security-related information of the College District, students, or employees or uploading or creating computer viruses;
        • Attempting to alter, destroy, disable, or restrict access to College District technology resources including but not limited to computers and related equipment, College District data, the data of others, or other networks connected to the College District’s system without permission;
        • Using the internet or other electronic communications to threaten College District students, employees, or volunteers;
        • Sending, posting, or possessing electronic messages that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal;
        • Using electronic means to engage in or encourage illegal behavior or threaten the safety of the College District, students, employees, or visitors; and
        • Possessing published or electronic material that is designed to promote or encourage illegal behavior or that could threaten the safety of the College District, students, employees, or visitors.
    • Dishonesty
      • The following behavior regarding dishonesty shall be prohibited:
        • Scholastic dishonesty, as defined above;
        • Making false accusations or perpetrating hoaxes regarding the safety of the College District, students, employees, or visitors;
        • Intentionally or knowingly providing false information to the College District; and
        • Intentionally or knowingly falsifying records, passes, or other College District-related documents.
    • Gambling and Other Conduct
      • Gambling or engaging in any other conduct that College District officials might reasonably believe will substantially disrupt the College District program or incite violence shall be prohibited.
  • Discipline
    • A student shall be subject to discipline, including suspension, in accordance with FM and FMA if the student violates this policy:
      • While on College District premises;
      • While attending a College District activity; or
      • While elsewhere if the behavior adversely impacts the educational environment or otherwise interferes with the College District’s operations or objectives.
  • Responsibility
    • Each student shall be charged with notice and knowledge of, and shall be required to comply with, the contents and provisions of the College District’s rules and regulations concerning student conduct.
    • All students shall obey the law, show respect for properly constituted authority, and observe correct standards of conduct. Each student shall be expected to:
      • Demonstrate courtesy, even when others do not;
      • Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline;
      • Attend all classes, regularly and on time;
      • Prepare for each class and take appropriate materials and assignments to class;
      • Obey all classroom rules;
      • Respect the rights and privileges of students, faculty, and other College District staff and volunteers;
      • Respect the property of others, including College District property and facilities; and
      • Cooperate with and assist the College District staff in maintaining safety, order, and discipline.