Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

  1. Introduction
    Texarkana College has a vital interest in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our students, employees, and visitors. The purpose of this policy is to reduce harm from secondhand smoke, provide an environment that encourages persons to be tobacco-free, establish a campus culture of wellness, reduce health insurance and health-care costs, and promote a tobacco-free future.
    The 2006 U.S. Surgeon General’s Report states that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Breathing secondhand smoke for even a short time can be harmful and set processes in motion such as cancer, heart disease, or respiratory conditions.
  2. Definitions
    1. Cigarette
      1. “Cigarette” means a roll for smoking that is made of tobacco or tobacco mixed with another ingredient and wrapped or covered with a material other than tobacco and that is not a cigar.

Health and Safe-ty Code 161.081(1); Tax Code 154.001

  • E-cigarette
    • “E-cigarette” means an electronic cigarette or any other device that simulates smoking by using a mechanical heating element, battery, or electronic circuit to deliver nicotine or other substances to the individual inhaling from the device. The term does not include a prescription medical device unrelated to the cessation of smoking.  The term includes:
      • A device described by this definition regardless of whether the device is manufactured, distributed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, or e-pipe or under another product name or description; and
      • A component, part, or accessory for the device, regardless of whether the component, part, or accessory is sold separately from the device.

Health and Safety Code 161.081(1-a)

  • Tobacco Product
    • “Tobacco product” means:
      • A cigar;
      • Smoking tobacco, including granulated, plug-cut, crimp-cut, ready-rubbed, and any form of tobacco suitable for smoking in a pipe or as a cigarette;
      • Chewing tobacco, including Cavendish, Twist, plug, scrap, and any kind of tobacco suitable for chewing;
      • Snuff or other preparations of pulverized tobacco; or
      • An article or product that is made of tobacco or a tobacco substitute and that is not a cigarette.

Health and Safety Code 161.081(5); Tax Code 155.001

  • Policy

The College District operates a tobacco-free campus, to include all property owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by the College District, as well as in College District-owned or -leased vehicles. The College President or designee shall develop administrative regulations to implement this policy, including enforcement and disciplinary consequences. The prohibition on tobacco shall include any tobacco product or any device, such as an e-cigarette, which contains nicotine or any other substance, and that produces a vapor or simulates smoking. Complaints concerning a violation of this policy by a student should be brought to the attention of a campus police officer, and disciplinary consequences shall be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.