Texarkana College Core Curriculum

Communications (010) – 6 hours

ENGL 1301: Composition I (3)
ENGL 1302: Composition II (3)
ENGL 2311: Technical & Business Writing (3)

Mathematics (020) – 3 hours

MATH 1314: College Algebra (Calculus Prep) (3)
MATH 1316: Plane Trigonometry (3)
MATH 1324: Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences (3)
MATH 1325: Calculus for Business & Social Sciences (3)
MATH 1332: Math for Liberal Arts (3)
MATH 1350: Mathematics for Teachers I (3)
MATH 1442: Elementary Statistical Methods (4)
MATH 2412: Pre-Calculus (4)
MATH 2413: Calculus I (4)

Life & Physical Sciences (030) – 6 hours

BIOL 1322: Nutrition & Diet Therapy (3)
BIOL 1306: Biology for Science Majors I (3)
BIOL 1307: Biology for Science Majors II (3)
BIOL 1308: Biology for Non-Science Majors I (3)
BIOL 1309: Biology for Non-Science Majors II (3)
BIOL 1311: General Botany (3)
BIOL 1313: General Zoology (3)
BIOL 2301: Anatomy & Physiology I (3)
BIOL 2302: Anatomy & Physiology II (3)
BIOL 2306: Environmental Biology (3)
BIOL 2320: Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (3)
BIOL 2321: Microbiology for Science Majors (3)
CHEM 1305: Introductory Chemistry I (3)

CHEM 1307: Introductory Chemistry II (3)
CHEM 1311: General Chemistry I (3)
CHEM 1312: General Chemistry II (3)
GEOL 1303: Physical Geology (3)
PHYS 1301: College Physics I (3)
PHYS 1303: Stars & Galaxies (3)
PHYS 1304: Solar System (3)
PHYS 1315: Physical Science I (3)
PHYS 2325: University Physics I (3)

Language, Philosophy, & Culture (040) – 3 hours

ENGL 2322: British Literature I (3)
ENGL 2323: British Literature II (3)
ENGL 2327: American Literature I (3)
ENGL 2328: American Literature II (3)
ENGL 2332: World Literature I (3)
ENGL 2333: World Literature II (3)
ENGL 2341: Forms of Literature (3)
HIST 2321: World Civilizations I (3)
HIST 2322: World Civilizations II (3)
PHIL 2306: Introduction to Ethics (3)

Creative Arts (050) – 3 hours

ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation (3)
DRAM 1310: Theatre Appreciation (3)
DRAM 2366: Film Appreciation (3)
MUSI 1306: Music Appreciation (3)

American History (060) – 6 hours

HIST 1301: United States History I (3)
HIST 1302: United States History II (3)

Government / Political Science (070) – 6 hours

GOVT 2305: Federal Government (3)
GOVT 2306: Texas Government (3)

Social & Behavioral Sciences (080) – 3 hours

COMM 1307: Introduction to Mass Communication (3)
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
GEOG 1303: World Regional Geography (3)
PSYC 2301: General Psychology (3)
PSYC 2308: Child Psychology (3)
PSYC 2314: Lifespan Growth & Development (3)
SOCI 1301: Introductory Sociology (3)

Component Area Option (090) – 6 hours

  • Choose one from the following (3 SCH):
    (Check with an Advisor before you choose)

SPCH 1315: Public Speaking (3)
SPCH 1318: Interpersonal Communication (3)
SPCH 1321: Business & Professional Speaking (3)

OR any courses in Component Areas (010), (020),

(030), (040), (050), & (080) that are not used to fulfill

another core requirement except MATH 2413, which

is listed below.

  • Choose one from the following (3 SCH):
    (Check with an Advisor before you choose)

BCIS 1305: Business Computer Applications (3)
EDUC/PSYC 1300: Learning Frameworks (3)
MATH 2413: Calculus I (4)

The following are labs that should be taken with lecture courses for those needing 8 SCH of Life & Physical Sciences for a degree. These courses are NOT part of the Core.

BIOL 1106: Biology for Science Majors I (lab) (1)
BIOL 1107: Biology for Science Majors II (lab) (1)
BIOL 1108: Biology for Non-Science Majors I (lab) (1)
BIOL 1109: Biology for Non-Science Majors II (lab) (1)
BIOL 1111: General Botany (lab) (1)
BIOL 1113: General Zoology (lab) (1)
BIOL 2101: Anatomy & Physiology I (lab) (1)
BIOL 2102: Anatomy & Physiology II (lab) (1)
BIOL 2120: Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (lab) (1)
BIOL 2121: Microbiology for Science Majors (lab) (1)
CHEM 1105: Introductory Chemistry I (lab) (1)

CHEM 1107: Introductory Chemistry II (lab) (1)
CHEM 1111: General Chemistry I (lab) (1)
CHEM 1112: General Chemistry II (lab) (1)
PHYS 1101: College Physics I (lab) (1)
PHYS 1103: Stars & Galaxies (lab) (1)
PHYS 1104: Solar System (lab) (1)
PHYS 1115: Physical Science I (lab) (1)
PHYS 2125: University Physics (lab) (1)

Total Minimum Requirements: 42 hours